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How do you want to hear from us?

Due to changes in data protection legislation, soon The Gauchers Association won’t be able to contact you about any of our services or activities unless you explicitly give your consent.

In other words, if you would like to continue to use our services, receive our updates and information about our services, research and clinical trials, our events, details of fundraising activities or other items relevant to our work, we will need your explicit permission to keep in touch with you.

Please visit our website for information about the changes and also a form which lets us know how you want to hear from us.

Please complete and return this form to the Gauchers Association office at  ASAP

If you don’t let us know how you want to hear from us we will have to delete your information from our database and we will not be able to contact you or share information with you once the new regulations come into effect on 25 May 2018.

Please refer to our website: for more details about the GDPR.